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A film about cigar box guitars, their makers, and the musicians that play them
featuring (in order of appearance)
Joe Vitale
Shane Speal
Ken Nowlan
Matt Crunk
Justin Johnson
Roger Fritz
Mark Caples
Randy Howerter
Suraiya Murray
Bill Jehle
Eric Davenport
Ben Baker (CB Gitty)
April Mae Dave Fecca (from April Mae & The Junebugs)
Mark Clark
Chris Bowen
Richard Brantley
Todd Roth
John Lowe (Johnny Lowebow)
Lucy Tight
Wayne Waxing
Earl Williams
Ross Newell & Ben Leininger (from The Mulligan Brothers)
Matty Baratto
Merlin Miller
Also Available...
Build your
own CBG kit
3 String CBG
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